What is the reason to use double-reduction gearbox on «Antonio Merloni» gas tank?

Gas cisterns from «Antonio Merloni» are equipped with double-reduction gearbox. What is its function and how does it work? Let’s study it?

Double-reduction gearbox
(pic. 143.1 – Double-reduction
Antonio Merloni gas tank with double-reduction gearbox
(pic. 143.2 – Antonio Merloni gas tank
with double-reduction gearbox)

The point is that the charge level has an influence to its efficiency. The less the gas is, the worse is evaporating process. This disadvantage should be balanced by gas reduction gearbox which maintains gas pressure within operating values. In other words, it doesn’t matter which quantity of gas is in the cistern, the pressure stays permanently stable. Efficiency is constant even if the cistern is almost empty; it is not exposed to the consumption rate. That happens thanks to double reduction.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) inside the cistern is basically in liquid state. Two-stage pressure regulator, independently from the quantity of gas mixture, switches gas to gas state and provides pressure reduction in the gas tank up to required value in output.

How does it work:
1) liquid gas is supplied to reducing gear box
2) in the first pressure reduction chamber the pressure is reduces
3) in the second chamber gas finally switches to gas state
4) gas with operating pressure is supplied to the gas pipe; it’s appropriate for household devices

Double-reduction gas gearboxes are installed on vertical and horizontal Italian cisterns. Double-stage regulator guarantees extendend precision of pressure maintenance, stands against the freezing and requires only control from time to time: blow-down and moisture removal.

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