(Pic. 14.1 Fuel heating capacity) | Pay attention to the heating capacity (low heating value) of different types of fuel and compare the figures. Fuel heating capacity characterizes the quantity of warmth, generated after complete fuel combustion with total weight of 1 kg or with total volume of 1 m³ (1 L). More often heating capacity is measured in J/kg (J/ m³, J/L). The higher fuel’s low heating value, the less its delivery rate. That is why the heating capacity is one of the most important fuel characteristics.
Low heating value of each fuel depends on the following factors: - Its fuel agents (carbon, hydrogen, volatile combustible sulfur, ext.);
- Its humidity and ash content.
Table 4 - Low heating value of different energy sources, benchmarking study of their rates. | Energy source | Heating capacity | Agent apparent density (ρ=m/V) | Hard coal equivalent price | Efficiency coefficient of heating system, % | Price for 1 kWh | Systems | MJ | kWh | (1MJ=0.278kWh) | Electricity | - | 1,0 kWh | - | 3,70r. per kWh | 98% | 3,78r. | Heating, hot water supply, горячее водоснабжение , air conditioning, cooking. | Methane (CH4, boiling temperature: -161,6 °C) | 39,8 MJ/m³ | 11,1 kWh·h/m³ | 0,72 kg/m³ | 5,20r. per m³ | 94% | 0,50r. | Heating, hot water supply, cooking, standby and current power supply, independent digestion tanks (canalization), outdoor radiant warmers, radiators, outdoor barbecue, fireplaces, saunas, decorative lighting. | Propane (C3H8, boiling temperature: -42.1 °C) | 46,34 MJ/kg | 23,63 MJ/L | 12,88 kWh/kg | 6,57 kWh/L | 0,51 kg/L | 18,00r. per L | 94% | 2,91r. | Heating, hot water supply, cooking, standby and current power supply, independent digestion tank (canalization) , outdoor radiant warmers, outdoor barbecue, fireplaces, saunas, decorative lighting. | Butane C4H10, boiling temperature: -0,5 °C) | 47,20 MJ/kg | 27,38 MJ/L | 13,12 kWh/kg | 7,61 kWh/L | 0,58 kg/L | 14,00r. per L | 94% | 1,96r. | Heating, hot water supply, cooking, standby and current power supply, independent digestion tank (canalization) , outdoor radiant warmers, outdoor barbecue, fireplaces, saunas, decorative lighting. | Propane-butane (LPG – liquefied petroleum gas) | 46,8 MJ/kg | 25,3 MJ/L | 13,0 kWh/kg | 7,0 kWh/L | 0,54 kg/L | 16,00r. per L | 94% | 2,42r. | Heating, hot water supply, cooking, standby and current power supply, independent digestion tank (canalization) , outdoor radiant warmers, outdoor barbecue, fireplaces, saunas, decorative lighting. | Diesel | 42,7 MJ/kg | 11,9 kWh/kg | 0,85 k/L | 30,00r. per kg | 92% | 2,75r. | Heating (water heating and electricity supply are very unprofitable). | Wood (birch, moisture - 12%) | 15,0 MJ/kg | 4,2 kWh/kg | 0,47-0,72 kg/dm³ | 3,00r. per kg | 90% | 0,80r. | Heating (it’s not convenient cooking and it’s almost impossible to get hot water) | Hardcoal | 22,0 MJ/kg | 6,1 kWh/kg | 1200-1500 kg/dm³ | 7,70r. per kg | 90% | 1,40r. | Heating | МАРР gas (mixture of liquefied petroleum gas - 56% and methylacetylene-propadiene - 44%) | 89,6 MJ/kg | 24,9 kWh/m³ | 0,1137 kg/dm³ | -r. per m³ | 0% | | Heating, hot water supply, cooking, standby and current power supply, independent digestion tank (canalization) , outdoor radiant warmers, outdoor barbecue, fireplaces, saunas, decorative lighting. |
| (Pic. 14.2 – Low heating value) | According to the table “Low heating value of different energy sources, benchmarking study of their rates” propane-butane (liquefied petroleum gas) concedes in economic value and perceptivity in use only to natural gas (methane). However, you should pay attention to the tendency of unavoidable increase of main pipeline gas cost, which is considerably undercharged today. Analysts predict inevitable industry reorganization, what will cause a major rise in price of natural gas which probably will exceed the diesel fuel cost. Therefore, the liquefied petroleum gas whose cost will not change too much will be exceptionally future-oriented and become an optimal solution for independent gasification systems. |