The distance is not a problem: the most important thing is quality

Long way
(pic. 25.1 – Long way)
The most important thing is quality
(pic. 25.2 – The most important thing is quality)
From point A to point B: from Moscow to Vladivostok
(pic. 25.3 – From point A to point B: from
Moscow to Vladivostok)

From point A to point B: gas tank «Moscow-Vladivostok».
The most important thing is quality!

The distance is not a problem not only for love but also for the desire to own high quality equipment. Independent gas tank from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» goes from Moscow to Vladivostok.

«The quality but not the quantity – this is my measure» – surely, this aphorism is close to the client from Vladivostok who bought Italian gas tank with the volume of 1650L. The client was scared neither by more than 9000 kilometers of the way, nor by the delivery cost which increased the price of the vertical gas tank. He focused to the advantages and chose the QUALITY from «Antonio Merloni»: high technological products, reliable, durable and safe.

Italian Corporate «Antonio Merloni» offers today the best price-to-quality ratio of gas tanks. The goal of the company is to meet the requirements of the most sophisticated client, and it permanently follows this course. As Henry Ford said: «Quality means doing right when no one is looking».

To allow you to be seduced by the lower price means to doom yourself for new expenses in the future, to lose time and nerves. This work is for long shot. It is not reasonable to save on the quality in the field of gas supply.

Ability to change the quality of the current day is considered as the top art. The client from Vladivostok did it: he changed the day of today buying for tomorrow a system of independent gasification on base for gas tanks from «Antonio Merloni». He guaranteed the comfort and the warmth to his home on the Far East of Russia.

Estimated time en-route: 120-140 hours.
Distance: 9057 km
The slogan: The main thing is quality.
Wish you a safe trip!



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