What does independent gas supply system for cottage consist of?

Configuration of gas tank
(pic. 1.1 – Configuration of gas tank)
Gas socket inlet
(pic. 1.2 – Gas socket inlet)
  • Special cistern for liquefied petroleum gas storage (underground gas tank).
  • Hidden gas pipeline installed under the ground.
  • Socket gas inlet to the building  

Gas pipeline is connected to gas consumers inside gasified object by socket inlet. To mount gas pipeline it is used gas pipes made of low pressure polyethylene welded by electric box welding machine.

High technology gas tank from «Antonio Merloni Cylinders Ghergo Group S.p.А.» – is the most important element in the system of independent gasification. The body of the cistern made of sheet low-alloyed steel is covered outside by «Carboline» - three layers of protective corrosion resistant epoxy coating, inside it is protected from corrosion by special coating. The space between walls of gas tank is fulfilled with special composition, which does not disturb heat exchange.

Three component anode-cathode protection protects the cistern under the ground from the impact of vagabond and induce underground currents. Unique protective «Marsupio» bag keeps the cistern out of mechanical damages during seasonal ground movements. Two reduction-drive gearboxes are installed in the gas tank; they adjust gas pressure till working rates.

Secure of the operating is provided by a secure valve which discharge gas to the atmosphere in liquid state (when it reaches 17,5 bars). Two level detectors provide precise indicating of cistern filling level. Evaporating, liquefied petroleum gas runs via gas pipeline to the devises and consumption systems through pressure regulating valve. At the same time gas tank is equipped with concrete-alkaline pad, charging valve, multi-functional valve with pressure manometer, liquid fraction valve and ventilation valve.

Independent gasification is ideal solution for modern countryside residential object. Advantages of independent gas supply are independence from the main pipeline gas supply; reliability, safety, efficiency, comfort, economy and environmental friendliness.

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