(pic. 58.1 – Construction of Saratov-Moscow
gas pipeline)
The II-III Centuries B.C. Ancient China. The tubes made of bamboo, kind of predecessors of the gas pipelines, carry over the gas from the gas field to get heating and lighting. The gaps in the pipes joins are plugged up by the tow fibre. The gas is transported by «drifting» thanks to the pressure from the outflow.
The first half of the XIX century. Europe. The gas is used for heating and for lighting. Gas pipelines start appearing. The expenses for the construction and using of gas pipelines are significant; this suppresses the appearing of the gas pipelines of big length, which appear only when we start using natural gas accumulations.
The fourteens of the XX Century. The USSR. The first gas pipeline which is called Dashavskiye promysly is built in Lvov. Gas pipelines were also building during the World War II: Buguruslan – Kuybyshev, Elshanka- Saratov. In 1946 Saratov-Moscow gas pipeline became the first main gas pipeline in the USSR.
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